The Peron Alliance Curriculum and Teaching (PACT) is an exciting initiative of public secondary schools in the Rockingham and Kwinana region that will see schools working together to make a range of courses available to senior students. As a result senior students in the seven PACT schools will have the option of accessing a wider range of courses, teaching expertise and resources. This greater choice brings with it greater opportunity for students to attempt highly challenging courses focussed on university pathways or career and vocational pathways. Some courses will necessitate students studying away from their home school but equally, students may choose a pathway which is fully provided by their current school. Details can be found in the front section of this handbook.

PACT was awarded WA Innovative School of the Year, as a Western Australian Education Award in 2010. PACT proudly received this award from the Department of Education.


Rockingham Senior High School is a very innnovative, co-educational and international public school located 47km from Perth CBD and close to the beautiful local coastline. The unique location has provided strong community partnerships that focus on school, tertiary and industry link programs that provide relevant and clear pathways for all students.